Sunday, November 9, 2008

About life in Spain

Dear loyal followers,
Aloha. You may be confused as to why I am using a Hawaiian word when I am Spain. The answer is that I have actually moved to Hawaii. Ha. Just kidding.
I have been converted into a Germ Vacuum Cleaner. Apparently (as is its custom) my body has decided to go around sucking up loose germs and distributing them throughout my system. Thus, Astin and I are both a bit under the weather (hey, sharing is caring, right?). To combat this problem, I have made my special concoction of vinegar, honey, and water. No, it’s not as bad as it sounds. It’s worse. But it changes the pH balance of your body so that the germs have a hard time surviving. Scroll up or down (I’m not sure where I’ll post it) and you’ll find the gag reel (gag being used in a literal sense here) of when we drank the nasty liquid. [Author’s note to Erin – This is TWICE that I have done this within 24 hours, Erin, that’s TWICE.]
Classes have begun. Actually, I should say private tutoring sessions. I don’t have any group classes yet. I go to kids’ houses and teach them the finer nuances of the English language, such as the word “a”. I use advanced methods like Go Fish and “Here, Draw Your Family on This Paper.” Although I’ve been pretty nervous for each class, they’ve all gone well so far. This may be due, in part, to my musical sessions beforehand. While walking 9,000 miles from the metro to a house in high heels, I sing “I Have Confidence” from The Sound of Music. Only, I change the words from, “A captain with seven children, what’s so fearsome about that?” to “A Spaniard with two small children, what’s so fearsome about that?” This seems to work pretty well for me.
I also celebrated a high point last night. It was my first night to sleep on…sheets! Yep, on Friday Astin, Amber, and took the metro way the heck out to IKEA. IKEA is located in a rather desolate part of the Madrid outskirts where, Amber and I agreed, it smells like someone pooped and then threw up on top of it. (I totally just got a visual for the face my grandma made if she read that.) We picked up frivolous items like sheets and pillows and blankets and cereal bowls. Astin and I had a “that girl is kind of weird” moment when I chose to buy a plant and candles rather than a big blanket like she did. Hey, I already have a sleeping bag, but we needed some light. Our apartment still isn’t set up yet, but rest assured, when it is we will post pictures.
This week will be pretty hectic. I take TEFL courses in the morning and afternoon (although it is all technically considered morning here), do prep in the afternoon, and teach in the evenings. Friday is the big test to see if we pass the TEFL course and then Monday our adult class lesson plans are due. After that, we only have to complete 40 hours of practice teaching (it’s real teaching and it’s paid, you just have to turn in a lesson plan for each class) and then we get our certificates. I’m thinking of marketing myself privately because I just don’t make very much money through my current organization. 13 euros an hour seems like a lot, but they take forever to get you classes. If I market myself, I can charge more and be pickier about my clients. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.
I hope you all are having a wonderful month. I love getting e-mails about how you’re doing even if I don’t respond immediately. Also, if you are dying to send me some postal mail (Anne.) let me know and I will e-mail you my mailing address. Postal mail is the greatest thing in the world, almost. TTFN.


Erin Hope said...

twice. hmmm....
I'm not sure if that tops (for disgusting-ness) throwing up chinese food (sweet-and-sour chicken) at four in the morning. But we can always hold a conference and vote.
(I was sick monday, and it's gonna be a very long time til i eat chinese again) will be proud, though, I passed the vinegar recipe onto my friend andy. (minus honey) so, it's gettin' some publicity. beyond that, I need to write you. and if you do read my blog- the post i was talking about's entitled ' i found me'
and it will amuse you. It's a true story. i tell no lies. : )
feel better.

kimberlea faye said...

hey! i got our call today....i was at work. i was pretty much enraged when i realized i had missed an opportunity to talk to you. BUT i'm still a little sketchy on how talking to people who are standing in spain would effect my cell phone bill. but we're getting a new land-line soon (soon is comcast's attempt to give us a specific date) and i already have a calling card. i think you sent your mailing address to the sisterhood but i get lost inside of facebook. could you send it to my gmail? thanks friend.