Saturday, July 4, 2009


So here's the deal. I've been really bad at blogging. Here are some horrifically brief updates:

Anne, my mom, and Kyla came to visit. It rocked my world. We bebopped around Madrid and also went to the beach which was kind of ghetto but still really fun.

I finished all my classes. I am currently wearing one of the bracelets my student made me :D

Astin and I went to Italy. It was rad and I saw a lot of famous-style stuff. Like the Colosseum. We also got stuck in Florence for a night and had to sleep on the train station sidewalk after we were kicked out of McDonald's by a man who thought his job was bouncer of McDonald's.

I'm flying to NY on Tuesday! And to Idaho on Thursday! And I will eat a waffle on Friday!

P.S. All you Portland peeps...I'll be in Portland-ish area from the 13th to the 17th. Without a car. Anyone want to come pick me up and visit?

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