Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Favorites.

This month, my favorite...

Random voicemail:
"Um, this is Meg from the museum, and the concensus is we, we just can't sell our bricks. Uh. Thank you. Bye."

Quote from my adopted nieces:
Me (in response to seeing her dressed from head to toe in blue): You look very blue today. Is today national blue day?
Her: Well, the thing is. Sometimes I wear blue.

Excuse at work for why a student should be able to bend a rule. In this case, read outside the dining room:
"Miss Kate! I have a CLENCHING thirst."
"Well, then, drink some water for your 'clenching' thirst."
"No, it's like in my throat. It like cleeeeeenches there and the only thing that can distract me from it is that book."

Response from my sister when I told her to keep her cat under control:
"Well! What do you expect?! He's a cat on the loose!!!"