Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Words of Wisdom to Live By

We went "adventuring" today, which mostly consists of wandering around with the boys and exploring streams and climbing trees and rocks and looking for signs of spring. Loved it. Favorite quote:

[One of my little guys comes walking up, noticeably wet and much dirtier than a few moments prior. A little agitated as if concerned that this is something the world needs to know]
LG: New rule. NO spinning moves if you're on a rock with moss that is also really wet.


1, 2. Cherish, foster, harbor imply giving affection, care, or shelter to something. Cherish suggests regarding or treating something as an object of affection or as valuable: to cherish a friendship. Foster implies sustaining and nourishing something with care, especially in order to promote, increase, or strengthen it: to foster a hope; to foster enmity. 2. nurse, nourish, sustain.

So I took a 10-day vacation and went to Portland. It was good for the soul. I got to spend time with people I love to the bottom of my heart and back out the top again. And I think that it's very important to take these times where we remember that the world is very much bigger than the little plots we live our daily lives in. And outside our little plots are realms upon realms of possibilities, responsibilities, and people who taste colors.

I came home and realized that my brave little ficus had gone from 2 leaves to about 8 while I was out and I feel that I have done the same. Thanks to good chats, and laughing, and films, and trips to the beach in the pouring rain, and my BFF Crossroads, and bubble tea, and inappropriate conversation in public places, and books, and walks, and a million other tiny moments, I feel like I'm looking at the next stage of life with hope and a little excitement instead of jumping from a gloomy present into an equally gloomy future.