Monday, June 16, 2008

Rollin' with the homies

So I got accepted. And so did Astin--September 22nd will find is in Madrid. I can't really believe it, but it definitely got a lot more real. We'll be there at the school for a month taking classes on how to teach english to get our TEFL certificate, plus student teaching. Then after that, we're guaranteed 15 hours a week at the school and then we have to find private students.

We also got a puppy. She's a chow mix named Electra.Shoot, time to go to work, more later.
Back from work. Which is, by the way, excellent. I still work at the coffee shop but I also work with 1st-5th graders at a day camp. They're hilarious. I'm used to working with jr. high kids, so the complete inability to reason throws me off. Really, all they care is that somethingdid not go their way. Nothing else matters. I have a new respect for my old comrades at Cannon Beach.

Tomorrow, Astin and i are meeting to discuss financial matters. We're trying to decide if we'll have the finances to make it by September or if we'll have to wait for the next program in October. We'd liketogo in September, but I'm just not sure.

I do know that Anne's spacebar doesn'twork...

Monday, June 9, 2008


So, I got another job. I still work at the coffee shop. But I also got a job at a community center working at their day camp. It's 1st-6th graders and I work in the afternoons. In some ways it reminds me of Cannon Beach, and in a lot of ways, not at all. I thought a lot about CBCC when we were training though. Lots of the same stuff--games, training, and cleaning :D I firmly believe that you can do all the get-to-know-you games you want, but until you clean something nasty or disastrous for an extended period of time, you don't really bond. I'm still not quite sure what I'm doign, but I knowenough to punt. Quote for the day comes from Vince. I was on his case a lot so i wanted to build him up. I noticed he had a ton of accents and voices he uses.
Me-"Vince! You have like a million voices. Where did you learn them all?!"
Vince-"Actually 99,921. 99,921 is the limit that humans can learn. And that includes like elk and other animal noises."

I evenutally coaxed a demonstration of "elk noises" from him. It was a cross between a dog and a cat I think.

I'm currently looking for another job. I did the math and there's no way I'll make it to Spain on my current salary, especially since rent just went up. And I didn't realize how long the drive is to the day camp. Good thing gas is awesomely priced at 4.07.

In other news, we're moving into the new house. Anne and I are still housesitting, so we move bit by bit. The first night, we were shocked to find out how much touch up paint we'd need. Then we also had the touch up wall. When I had toured the house I thought it was textured. Nope, just really crappy :D So Anne and I, who are sharing a room, got some paint and did the whole wall, boom boom.

I'm excited for the house, and for a routine, and for living with some amazing girls. Word to your mom.