Monday, September 13, 2010


I miss adventuring. Specifically the type that involves other countries and languages, particularly Spanish. I miss the type of people who live adventuring lifestyles. I've been home for a year and a half now...the longest I've lived in the country in 3ish years and the longest I've stayed in this particular area since...2005 I think. I've been antsy for a while and the feeling definitely didn't go a way.

But there are a lot of reasons to stay put for a little while longer, at least. Like major surgeries for people I know or major graduations, and lots of people I care about being here. But after that, well. Since I have no particular life direction, I suppose I will just start looking until I find a job that sounds amazing and then go there.

In an effort to control myself from spontaneously boarding a plane, I decided to catapult into the sky. This is a real thing. You can do this at Lagoon. Youtube the following terms: Catapult at Lagoon, Skycoaster at Lagoon, and Wicked at Lagoon. I did all this and more. I must say, I never thought I would launch into the sky (enormous swing was in the realm of possibilities), but catapulting was very worth it. I can also say that I have never heard Kyla scream like that (or anyone, except in horror films), but we were both very brave.

Interesting notes about the Lagoon adventure park trip:
-I found a sock in my pants about an hour into the park day. It was from the day before and had hidden there. It was a good sock, so I stuffed it in my back pocket.
-While swinging several hundred feet on the enormous swing, a bug flew in my mouth mid-WOW! When you are going that fast, there is no getting the bug back out because he is plastered to the back of your throat.
-Utah is prettier while hanging upside down.