Sunday, March 8, 2009

How to Be a Warrior and Other Valuable Skills

Recently, I discovered a vicious den of wickedness and pollution. The horrifying thing was that the said den was located...

on my blinds.

Yes. Between several of the lower slats in my oh-so-quality-roll-up-blinds, I found several colonies of wicked mold growing and polluting my life. I highly doubt that it was of the life-saving penicilling type. Therefore, I attacked it the way Astin has been quoted attacking dishes, "quickly. ruthlessly." Not to worry. The colonies have been subdued and a lot more fresh air has been circulating our house as preventative measure.

On Friday, we went for drinks with our landlord. It was kind of a weird shift for me, because I'm used to hating my landlord. But Astin says this is just because I've had bad ones. I am not so sure. At that time, I tried escargot, or snails, for the first time. It honestly wasn't bad. But since I wasn't sure if they fell in the same category as sea food, I didn't eat much.

In final news, I am suffering from a slight flesh wound. Recently, while trying to use a large knife as a weenie roaster, there was a collision between my index finger and the molten blade. No surgery was necessary, and I survive to this day. I do not suggest this method, but it was the only one available at the time that did not dirty up more dishes.
The End.

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