Some changes in the house. We have secured a chore chart complete with photos. Shuffling the housemates around a bit and moving Kyla out next month (something about buying her own house and not wanting to pay on two things whatwhat), but the oh-so-glamourous Alli Bedalli will be moving in by June. Fantastico.
I continue to work with children who are unsure if Satan and I are two separate beings, or, in fact, the same entity. Occasionally the sun peeks through the clouds and they are shocked to discover that I am a very nice human being indeed.
I attended a wedding for a co-worker in the fine town of Sweet recently. You know you live in a small town when you have to cross a cattle guard to get to your church. A good time nonetheless.
Let's end with some quotes from work, shall we?
[From the slightly-young-in-the-head-and-emotions 14 year old as he looks out the window pondering life] "Ms. Kate?" "Yeah." "What's so great about maturity, anyway?"
[From the 9 year old exuberantly trying to volunteer information during the Q&A session in a religious class] Teacher - "Mecca...where IS Mecca?" Kid - "It's a mineral!!!"
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