Sunday, January 16, 2011


Whoa man, kids. It's been a while since I just rambled on about nothing in particular (just kidding, that's what most of my blogs are). So here are some rambles.

1) I have taken up skiing. I really like it, especially because I'm picking it up quickly. Gone are the days of the pizza slice...mostly. And so far, I've survived some pretty terrific falls. Cartwheels down the mountain, really. Friday night's trip involved doing the splits and a lot of the f-word and then also a wild cartwheel that involved my friends asking if I was okay mid-tumble and me not realizing I wasn't done.

Friends: "Are you okay?!"
Me: "I'm okay!" *More tumbling* *pause* "Yeah I'm okay"
*extended hysterical laughter*

But overall I'm proud of this because I've wanted to do this for a long time and I finally just did it. By myself.

2) I have a boyfriend. His name is Peter and he's absolutely the most amazing thing ever. Bahahahahahah. Just kidding. I thought I would throw that in there for kicks and giggles and shock factor.

3) I talked to one of my friends from my Costa Rica program and re-triggered my wanderlust. For various reasons, I have deemed it wiser to stay here close to my family for the time being and into the summer. I've looked into various programs abroad, organic farming internships in the U.S., and none of them seem to suit my boat. And I reflect on all the tests I took and find-yourself classes I sat through and wonder why it's so difficult for me to find the next place I want to adventure to. Of course, there's no "right answer" but maybe I'm being too picky. I know I'd like to transition into a program. a) this is a greater opportunity for community/antidote for loneliness for people new to the area. b) I'd rather move with someone, but this gets a little risky as moving to a totally new place and knowing one person puts a big strain on the relationship. c) I'd like to find a low-strings attached type job where I can go and do it for a while, help people, and be in a new part of the world, but these jobs usually don't pay very much. So you go to a brand-new place without having the funds to explore it/pay off the car you will probably have to buy to get there in the first place.
Anne, Alli, and I talked about moving to Vermont and everything was looking good until I realized that sunny days per year is only 58. Even less than Portland. Yikes. These are the things that occupy my thoughts these days. That and how there is an overwhelming amount of good music out there that is not on my computer.

Word to your mother.


Cassie said...

1. I literally laughed out loud of the "word by word" recount of your skiing incident. Especially the "*more tumbling* *pause* yeah i'm okay" haha

2. You totally fooled me the first two sentences. Good one.

3. I'll let you know if/where I get a job after I graduate. You are more than welcome to move with me. :) Straight up, no jokes. I am hoping there will be lots of people for both of us to join in community- in all of its troubles and glories.

Kate said...

Keep me posted!

Erin Hope said...

you know.... asheville north carolina has lots of mountains, crazy people, and tons of sunny days a year.

just sayin' :)-