Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today I ran into a pole. Hard.

In my defense, it was a very short pole. Ironically, it left a very large bruise. That was probably the low point of the day. Other points of varying heights included: taking the final exam of the TEFL course, our teacher not showing up for said exam, finding lower-priced groceries, etc.

Now that the course is over, I will have more time for fun and for essential things like earning an income. I’ll also have more time for lesson planning—like for the hilarious 6 and 8 year old sisters I teach. I went to their house on Tuesday and was all prepared to start the lesson, even though they were completely engrossed in something on the older one’s hand. I start talking only to be interrupted by an insistent, “Looooook!!!” as the oldest one shoved her thumb near her my face. I notice some skin is missing and in my best “adult-who-needs-to-show-proper-horror-at-miniscule-child-wound” voice say, *gasp* “What happened?!” and she replied, solemnly, “The poop.” I withheld my laughter explosion to wait for the rest of the joke, but it didn’t come, so I repeated, “The poop?” to make sure I had heard correctly, and she replied, with a nod, “The poop.” At this point, I am staring at her, and she is staring at me and the wheels are turning in my head. I notice that the missing skin is the approximate shape and size of a blister and the light flashes above my head. “Ooooohhhhh,” I say, “It popped?” Yes, she said, “It popped.” Rest assured, world population, no birds with acidic feces are flying over Madrid, dropping dangerous matter on the thumbs of eight-year-olds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the words that come out when something else is completely meant. I have 8 first graders in one of my ESL groups. It's a hand full, but other times they are absolutely precious.

Bravo on figuring out popped.