Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lookit, lookit, lookit

So I have this adult student with an intermediate level. She speaks English well enough for me to teach the class entirely in English with a few specific translations from time to time. But as you may know, a sense of humor is one of the last things to come in learning a language. So much of humor depends on understanding multiple meanings of a word as well as multiple contexts. As you know, my sense of humor relies heavily, if not depends entirely, on word substitution. I do not go grocery shopping. I navigate the plains for suitable food for my tribe, etc. Generally, in lessons, I keep my sense of humor to a bare minimum, only using humorous gestures and body language, etc.

However, I forgot about that in the last lesson with my adult student. I whipped a paper out of my notebook very stylishly and rapidly. With great flair, you might say. So my student laughed and commented and mimicked my gesture, adding some martial arts-like movements of her own. So I said, “That’s right, I’m a martial arts master.” This is when she said (with a very thick Spanish accent that switches “n’s” and “m’s”), “Sonttimes I understan you perfectly. An other tines, I do not understand *laughs to self* one thing that you are saying.” Poor lady, she didn’t stand a chance, and waved her hands in front of her face to indicate dismissal of the whole comment.

Also! I have a dread now. Just one. I like my hair too much as it is to dread my whole head, but I do have one now. See picture below for details and special offers.

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