Friday, October 3, 2008

Weird things happen to me these days...

Doing random searches for your name can be interesting. In this manner I found out that I am apparently a recording artist on iTunes. A weird and crappy one, but I have an entire album titled VoKate. Most of the stuff involving my name didn't have many popularity bars next to it. Anne, too bad, you don't have any music on iTunes. Just me. My cassette tape beginning says it all.

I did a search for Cassie's name in the Flair application on Facebook. I came up with a gem of four highschoolers in hideous fluorescent blue choir dresses.

In other news, when I'm not wasting time wondering how many other people in the world have the same name as me, or what albums their recording, I'm packing. I'll pack up everything from this house and move it to my parent's house. And then I will cry and laugh and yell and shake my fist while kicking, jumping, shoving, and smashing all in an attempt to squeeze everything into suitcases. 10 days, people, 10 days.

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