Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Allergies of an unusual sort

So "Tristan" was being difficult during kitchen duty and was asked to leave the area, so I let him know we'd be outside on a work crew. Then this happened.

"Tristan": Fine. But I'm NOT going to the sunflowers. [looks away] I had a bad experience with the sunflowers.
Me: Um, okay. Soo...[proceed to tell him what had just popped into my image of a possessed sunflower actively trying to strangulate him.]
Tristan: [Look of "oh-my-god-and-I-thought-I-was-a-weird-kid"] Uh, no.
Me: So what happened then?
Tristan: Well, Mr. "Bill" made me go out there even though I hate the sunflowers and so I threw a rock at his head because I am deathly afraid of bees and they ALL live in the sunflowers.
Me: Oh. Okay. So you're allergic to bees then?
Tristan: [pauses] Mentally? Yes.

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