Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Calculations

The following conversation happened between a student who wanted to go to another building at work, was told no, and then went anyway. We'll call him "Winston"

Me: Winston, what's going on?
Winston: Well, I wanted to come down here but you guys wouldn't let me. It's what I wanted to do all along if you staff would just use your logic. *rolls eyes*
Me: Right, but do you know why I wanted you to stay up there?
Winston: No.
Me: Because with you down here, that leaves this staff with 8 boys and the other with 2. That's not a good ratio.
Winston: So? If you guys would just send the other kids away so I could be down here, none of this would've happened.
Me: [gently] Yes, but Winston, the world does not revolve around you.
Winston: Yes. It does. I've done the math.

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