Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Kid in Town

Now, I don't usually give shout-outs to websites, but I recently stumbled on this one and it might have changed my life a little bit. Seriously go check it out:

Great news recently, all three co-presidents have located rollerblades via craigslist and will be picking them up tonight. A fourth pair has been located for another co-president who does not actually know how to rollerblade but will soon learn, I'm sure. Tonight, weather permitting, the first meeting of the co-presidents of the rollerblading club will convene, with honorary dog-walker, Anne. We should get some good pictures out of this.


Anne said...

yeah we will get good pictures. Ellie and I will in charge of that for sure.

kimberlea faye said...

Can I be an honorary self-walker (I'll leave the dog to Anne) sometime? I'm so glad you're finally living out your life long dream of owning rollerblades. ...also, spell check just told me rollerblades should be capitalized. Right...