Sunday, August 30, 2009

The gems of the cyber world

Well, now that I'm not living with the parentals, I've found myself looking for some furniture. I mean, sitting on an upturned laundry basket (yes, Anne, I know it's yours) and typing on my computer which sits on an upturned laundry hamper is niiiiice, I am still looking for some furniture.

Thus, I am wading through the glory that is Some people who are native English speakers might be confused when they run across words that sound vaguely familiar but need the pictures to translate. Here are some examples:

Dallor - base currency of the USA. Usually spelled "dollar"
Dinning - referring to the act of eating, not the act of making a lot of noise. Usually spelled "dining."

I also ran across some interesting items. Such as an 80 oz Vlasic Pickle Jar (free).
"Nothing special here. Just a large glass jar. Modern - as in purchased full of pickles in the last month. Good for, well, pickles and maybe pickled eggs." Well alright.

And under the heading of DO NOT MISS THIS

Wolf dishes, anyone?


Erin Hope said...

.....well, you do live in idaho, ........and it is craig's list. we're talking general public here.

: )

amanda said...

I am going to widdle you a chair from a log. Then I will shear a sheep and make you a cushion for your chair.Jack has a pocket knife, expect a 3 year delivery date.

ashlee said...

I am in the market for dishes...