Monday, August 10, 2009

you betcha

As many of you are aware, I have been working for my dad at his automotive shop. I am the front desk receptionist. My main duties include: invoices, quickbooks, smiling big and directing customers to someone else. Also staring out the window when there's not a whole lot going on. Now, you must understand that my dad comes from a line of "good ol' boys" and talks the talk well. When he and ky and syd's dad get together, it's like visiting a convention in another language. I'm trying to think of how to describe that language. It's got a twang, a bit of southern, a bit of hick. And there are several phrases unique to this language. I recently discovered that not only do I generally understand goodolboy, but I unintentionally speak it. Here are some phrases that recently came flying out of my mouth. (I will include pronunciation)

"Bin doin' a lotta fishin' lately?"
"Yep, yep, jus git 'er dun."
"Thank yew." (You know how people with accents say it.)

It's been a kind of horrifying process, but I don't mind it too badly. Just be forewarned.

Upcoming news - I will be bebopping down to California with some of the coolest people on earth to see some more of the coolest people on earth. I will also probably throw up at Disneyland, but I'm pretty excited to scream my lungs out. This basically happens on all the rides. There's this sweet picture somewhere of me and Kyla on a rollercoaster. She is smiling relaxedly. I, on the other hand, look like I am giving birth to a demon-possessed rhinocerous (large and terrifying). I don't expect that anything will have changed between now and then.

When I come back, remind me to blog about hearing loss and why I could get a hearing aid.

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