Tuesday, September 20, 2011

See you around, freaks!

That is an actual quote from the guy we went to visit today for our "field trip." Name - Eric Barney. Specialty - alternate energy. Did I understand what was going on - no. Was it still really cool - yes. So basically he showed us around his house with all the alternate energy systems that he's using and explained how they all worked. I had the technical knowledge to understand about 30% of the presentation, but my more technical compaƱeros were super excited and into it, so I took that as a very good sign. We saw several wind turbines, hydro electric systems, solar energy systems, cooking stoves, steam cleaners, etc. And then we bought organic yerba mate from him. Hopefully I will not drink it all before I come home and share with everyone. Check out the pictures on my facebook. I'd post them here, but I'm running out of time and don't feel like posting twice. :)

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