Friday, September 23, 2011

Technical Blog - Medicinal Mud

Best taken from subsoil with a high clay content. Take care to use soil from non-polluted sources (i.e. hasn’t had chemicals/pesticides/etc. dumped on it, not near a road, etc.). Dig down at least 30 cm (about a foot), and dig up however much subsoil you feel that you’d like. Lay it out to dry on a tarp or something in a cool, shady spot protected from the elements and animals for at least 10 days. It must be completely dry. Put it through a fine sifter (like the one in your kitchen, or slightly bigger). Bottle and store in a way that moisture can’t leak in. You can bottle it with dried calendula flowers or dried plantain (again, the ground plant, not the banana cousin) for added benefits. Proponents of medicinal mud have claimed many and varied benefits from ulcers, arthritis, thyroid imbalance, phlegm, getting rid of parasites, ovarian cysts, bug bites, facial scrubs, chest cold relief, etc. Internally: Mix about 1 cup water with about 1 tablespoon of the dried mud (use less for kids). You can either mix it up and drink the whole sloshy mixture OR, you can mix it, let the bigger pieces settle, and then drink the cloudy water on the top. Take it on an empty stomach (1/2 hour before food or 2 hours after) i.e. before breakfast and lunch. Take once a day for a general cleanse. Or take 2 times daily, three times a week and then take 15 days off. Externally: Mix with a bit of water, apply in circles. Can apply externally for ovarian cysts, rub on for 40-50 circles. Use once a week as a facial scrub. Apply to chest during colds.

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